Claire on Opening the Heart Center

A student interviewed Claire about ZY Qigong…Claire gave most of her answers while in the meditative state.  Here is an excerpt on opening the middle dantian (heart center) which is the focus of Level 2:

“…in opening the heart center, we start to sense the strong flow that is life, that is nature and we start to have a sense of being able to go with the flow that is life. All in all there’s an ease that happens in meditation that spreads out into our daily lives, our heart opens to other human beings and living things.  We start to feel what they feel and gain a deep empathy for where they are.  There’s a strong tangible communication that is established, that is opened and in this process there’s also more compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and others.

As our life force naturally rises up to the upper energy center it starts to light up the inside of our head.  It starts to activate our ability to see beyond the physical world….we start to get a greater perspective of what life is, we start to understand the cause and effects in our life…We start to understand the web of connections…

The framework of this practice is so large that it can very well be a life long practice.  And often when there’s enough life force accumulated one is ready for a great shift, like a jump in so many realms.  This is when we experience that everything changes in our life.”

Stay tuned for more words from Claire!