ZY Qigong Level 1 – 6 week series with Jean Clough at Greenlake

Wednesday, September 18, 2019 - Wednesday, October 23, 2019
5:15pm - 6:45pm

Location:   Greenlake Community Center

Instructor(s): Jean Clough

Qigong is the ancient  Chinese art and science of self-development and self-healing.  Qi means “vital life force energy” and Gong refers to practice or cultivation. Using breath, movements, meditations and visualizations, we will cultivate wellness, learn to deeply relax to release tension and feel increased energy.

In addition to learning the fundamentals of Qigong, we will learn Taoist precepts for healthy living, including nutrition and health habits suitable for fall.  In Taoist understanding of life, humans are subject to the laws of nature and the healthiest individuals learn how to flow with nature’s rhythms.

Zhong Yuan Qigong (ZYQ) is a complete system of self-development which evolved in the Shaolin area of China. It has ancient roots in Shamanism, Buddhism and Taoism. Instructor Jean Clough is a personal student of ZY Qigong Grandmaster and lineage holder, Xu Mingtang. She also studies with Ling Gui Grandmasters Dr. Lui Dong and Master Lui He.  While the exercises can be esoteric and multi-layered, Jean makes it clear and easy to grasp by distilling the teachings to their essential nuggets.  Jean has been a student of Qigong since 2000 and at teacher since 2006.

I look forward to sharing the rich wisdom of this art and science with you!

TO REGISTER:  call Greenlake Community Center at  (206) 684-0780.  Or check SPARC online, under Programs: fitness and Wellness: Qigong.  https://apm.activecommunities.com/seattle/Activity_Search?ActivityCategoryID=32&isSearch=true&applyFiltersDefaultValue=true

 SEARCH WITH COURSE CODE: 21972  Course fee is $72 paid to SPARC

Join our Meet-up group to get updates! www.meetup.com/SeattleZYQ

Jean Clough

Practicing Big Tree at Green Lake
Practicing Big Tree at Green Lake