Qigong Summer Practice

Monday, June 14, 2021
10:00am - 11:30am

Instructor(s): Jean Clough

Qigong on ZOOM!

Mondays – 10-11:30 am PST,  June 14-July 12, 2021

NOTE:  If you have logged in before, log in first before registering for the class. 

Summer approaches and it’s a good time to revisit our Qigong practice.  Keeping with the theme of  the Year of the Ox, I am continuing focus on the  benefits of slow and steady practice and paying attention to fundamentals.  This 5 week session will focus on BREATHING, and Level 2 ZY Qigong exercises.

Qigong Breathing – We will tune into our BREATH, gaining awareness of our patterns of breathing, and beginning the journey toward mastering our breath. Why?  Breath is the link between the conscious and the unconscious.  Breath is both automatic and, when desired, controllable.  Therefore, it is the key to learning to consciously effect change in our whole system. All emotions have recognizable breathing patterns – and the key to mastering one’s emotions is by tuning in to the breath, coming into a calm state and acknowledging both the breath and the emotion.   The ancient Qigong Masters strove to master 5 things:  the body, the breath, the emotions, the thoughts and qi.  That is the journey.  On this journey of mastery, we enjoy the benefits along the way:  joy, compassion, health and serenity.

Register below and you will receive a  confirmation email with a ZOOM link.  Please be sure to add your email address.  If you have logged in before, log in first before registering for the class. 

QIGONG – is a self-development practice from China.  It has ancient roots in the world of  mountain sages and Shamans, and has been influenced over the millenia by Taoist and Buddhist monks.  Qigong through the ages has been expanded and tested by lifelong meditators, Chinese Doctors, wisdom seekers and martial artists.  The movements, meditations and breathwork of Qigong are designed to help us connect deeply with the sources of vital life force energy (QI) both internally and externally.     Jean will teach Qigong basics and more advanced forms, according to the needs of the individuals in the class.  We will meditate, learn movement exercises (somewhat like Tai Chi or Yoga) and practice specific breathing techniques.  Right away you will find your body, energy/mind and spirit becomes both relaxed and full of good energy.    With practice, Qigong will improve your health, heal illnesses, strengthen the immune system, generate power, and promote higher understanding.  Jean Clough has studied with 2 different lineages, training in person with the Chinese Grandmasters of both schools for 20 years.  She will teach simple exercises, explain the context of Qigong, and will also bring information on Taoist nutrition principals, scientific explanations of Qigong and other holistic principals to help generate fantastic health, vitality and peacefulness in your life.

Sign up for all 5 classes for $55 or one class for $13.

Warm Regards!



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