Grandmaster Mingtang in AZ

 ZY Qigong practitioners, teachers, and healers, fellow Yoga, Tai chi, and Gung Fu students:

This is a tremendous opportunity to experience Mingtang’s teachings and help raise our spiritual consciousness to a higher level. With cosmic energies at such a high level, meditating with Grandmaster Mingtang in the Sonoran Desert will be absolutely amazing.

Experience learning Level III exercises standing in the desert and feeling the energy from with-in and around you…

I see Grandmaster Mintang’s visit as a way to raise spiritual and human consciousness to a much higher level and I need you to do all that you can to ensure you are here. These eight days with spiritually minded people gathered together in Qigong meditation will help raise the vibrational level of Ourselves, the Earth and the Universe.

See Retreat Details >>

More details to follow, but save the dates. I can be contacted

Love, Mark

Mark Frighetti, Tuscon teacher and organizer