Living in Harmony with Nature

It’s not hard really.  Once you think about it, living in harmony with the rhythms of life is just common sense!  At night, you sleep.  During the day you are active. In the winter, you slow down, in the summer you are more active. Yin, yang.  We must have both, and …they are always changing, evolving, turning into each other.  On this date in early February, we are at maximum Yin time, moving slightly into the earliest Yang.  Here in Seattle you can see it!  We have some cherry trees that are beginning to flower.

Of course, you can go against nature.  We all do sometimes.  We push it.  We use up all our energy and then keep going.  But, again naturally, if you push it too long, you will crash, and probably get sick.  Being out of sync with nature’s rhythms means you are courting imbalance and illness.  And in winter when you should be taking it light and easy…illness can hit quick at the slightest wobble.  I know – as I sit and type having spent 4 days in a row at home with a fierce cold.  Too much burning the candle at both ends!  Things to be done!  Projects to undertake!  Action!  But….in hindsight, I see too much at the wrong time of year.

The wisdom here is, take good care of yourself this time of year.  Sleep a lot.  And practice a lot of qigong.  Qigong strengthens our immune systems, releases negative emotions and qi, and fortifies our resiliance.  I believe that my qigong practice helps me bounce back quickly and in fact, has kept me from getting sick for a long time. But none of us are invincible.  And all of us are subject to the rules of the universe. Qigong helps us create inner strength in accordance with nature.

Now, I will go drink some hot herbal tea, take a nap and do some qigong.  Blessings!
